Whether you need help with your transportation, medical insurance, or finding out what government benefits you may be eligible for, there are lots of great resources that can help you get the help you need. Below, we’ve listed several resources that can provide valuable information and help to you and your family.

Advocacy Resources

Adult Protective Services1-800-490-8505
PA Department of Health1-877-724-3258
Local Ombudsman1-800-328-0058 x6130
Dauphin County Area Agency on Aging717-780-6130
Cumberland County Area Agency on Aging717-240-6110
York County Area Agency on Aging717-771-9610

Other Local Resources

ARC of Dauphin County717-920-2727
Pennsylvania Protection Inc717-236-8110
PA Association of Community
Health Centers
CAT Share-a-Ride717-233-5657
Rabbit Transit1-800-632-9063
Help Ministries717-238-2851
VA Clinic717-590-1525
Crisis Intervention – Dauphin County717-232-7511
– Cumberland County717-763-2222
– York County717-579-8761